Transportation Department
Welcome to the NLCS Transportation Department!
Welcome to the Transportation Department at the North Lawrence Community School Corporation. Our physical location is on the campus at Bedford North Lawrence High School. For the school year, we will have a total of sixty-seven routes. There are 43 Corporation Routes, 7 Special Needs Routes, and 18 Contract Routes. All of our drivers practice safe driving each time they get behind the wheel. All of our drivers have a Commercial Driver’s License. Our drivers are certified by the Indiana Department of Transportation and state-approved medical examiners.
The Transportation Department is well prepared to aid your student rider get to and from school. We recently installed a new resource on the NLCS website that will assist you and your student rider in determining which bus is theirs. If your address changed, please notify your student's school of attendance.
We are looking forward to another exciting school year. We thank you in advance for allowing us the privilege of transporting your student rider to and from school. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via phone at 812.279.6322. Our phones are always busy. Please feel free to try again if you are unable to reach anyone. We are all in this together and we are especially happy to help in any way we can.
Director of Transportation - Duane Boady
Transportation Admin Assistant - Stacey Brown